Today we started the day by going to Jake's daycare again to get him used to the place. Then we went to a town an hour away called Veszprem to get Crystal and Jacob's visas. We looked around the town and ate lunch. The pictures below are from our visit there.
This is a picture of the typical Hungarian woman. About 75% of the women dye their hair in this "European red" color. The other 25% dye their hair some other color.
This is Crystal, Jake and I in front of the castle gate. There are a bunch of shops or churches along this walk.
We stopped at a sidewalk cafe for lunch. Jake played on a near by court area while we waited for our pizza. The pizza was really good!
Jake got to have ice cream. They sell a lot of ice cream here.
This picture did not turn out very good but it was of a thatched roof. It was made entirely of straw stacked to the thickness you see here.
This was just some guy I met near a theater.
This is the ruins of a castle in a town called Dobronte.
This last shot is of a one of the big churches.
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