Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Figure Drawing Class

I have been in a figure drawing class for a few weeks now. I wanted to share some of my work with my friends and family. In this posting I will be showing 2 projects that were focused on cubism. One assignment was to create a collage from a still life. First we drew the still life from 3 different perspectives. Then we combined them into one picture to create the collage.

This is the pen and ink drawing of one view of the still life. There were 2 other views.

This is the resulting collage in which I combined features from each of the drawings.

In the next project we drew a figure from 3 different perspectives.
Below I am showing 2 points of view. (Don't want to bore you with repetition)

From the three figure drawing we were to combine them into one picture and create a cubist painting. We were also supposed to make it monochromatic. I choose blue.

My next assignment is on surrealism. I am not to excited about this one but hope to learn as much as I did with the cubist study.

1 comment:

Crystal / Jayson said...

I can't believe you drew those. That is great.