Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jordan's 1st day of 1st Grade

Today was Jordan's first day of 1st grade at a new school. Jan and I went to see her off to school with Kimberly, Torrin, Kevin Best, and Trent.
Jordan was a fashion diva with her "uhg" boots, jean skirt and fancy top.
Jordan was prepared for any circumstance with bandaids....
and her backpackbuddy.
Kimberly adjusted the straps on the new purple backpack while Jan watched with riveted facination.
Torrin was pretty excited for her sister to go off to school.

The bus finally arrived and Jordan bravely boarded and went off for her first fantastic day at school.

1 comment:

Crystal / Jayson said...

So darling. What happened to little baby Georgie? Jacob can never grow up! :)