Another Thanksgiving has come and gone without me collecting one single photo. Thanksgiving day is traditionally a very busy day for me with all the cooking and preparing for 15 minutes of face stuffing delight.
This year we had a great Thanksgiving! We had Crystal, Jayson, Jacob and Carson, Kimberly, Pat, Jordan and Torrin, Kevin's mom Becky and her caregiver Carly and her son Michael. I can't remember a better Thanksgiving. It could have been because of the fun traditional project I do with the grandkids to make a center piece for the table. Or maybe it was the shots of Fireball we had in the kitchen just before sitting down to dinner. Or was it the hilarious game of Catch Phrase we played later after the kids and grandkids all returned from dessert at Harwood's. I think it all combined to make a great day.
Here is the only picture I managed to get to remember the day. It is the beautiful center piece the grandkids helped me gather items from the property for and put together with the flowers Torrin got at the store.