Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

What a fun packed weekend we had this Memorial Day weekend! Kevin and I started by going to the Chris Botti concert at St. Michelle winery on Friday. We enjoyed great music, wine and a picnic.

I got these pictures in the wrong order but will just go with it. Monday Kevin, Jordan, Torrin and I went for a 5 mile hike up Little Si. It was quite a challenge for those little girls but they stuck with it all the way to the top.

There were lots of cool branches and rocks along the way.

On Sunday Kevin and I and the girls went to Remlinger farms. I forgot the memory card in the camera so have not photos. It is a cool place for kids under 10. There were pony rides and carnival type rides and a petting zoo. When we got home, Kimberly got off of work the Remferts came over for a barbecue and bon fire.

Crystal has become quite the photographer, unlike her mother.

Kimberly brought the makin's for smores.

Earlier we were watching Jacob riding his motorcycle. Carson was sneaking hand dips in my wine glass. He has a premature taste for adult beverages.

Jason crashed while riding Jake's motorcycle on his knees.
He squished a slug.

Jayson put training wheels on the bike so Jake would not be afraid of falling.

Even Jordan had fun on the little bike.

Carson is not quite ready for power but looks good on it.
Jacob is a stud motor cycle boy.

And So School Begins

Well, the summer of "best days ever" (as described by Jordan) finally came to a close with the first day of school. The day started with waking those sleepy girls up. Unfortunately for Jordan and Torrin, Grandma thought the clock said 6:30 but it actually said 5:30 so I got them up a little early. Opps! As it turned out, we had just enough time to figure out how to get dressed, eat breakfast and get to the bus stop by their apartment before the bus arrived. This was a new school for the girls but they both had a great first day experience.

Sleepy head Torrin

Groggy Jordan

Bright eyed and bushy tailed

At the bus stop

Waiting to be let into the school

Jordan putting on a happy face in spite of some anxious feelings.