Somewhere along the line we hooked back up with Maggi and began consuming large quantities of wine. Eventually we stumbled back to our hotel with Jan in tow and crawled to our room laughing until we peed. Maggi wat on the edge of the hide-a-bed and fell through to the floor.
The next morning came all to early as we prepared for our big walk. It was freezing cold! We sat in the car to stay warm while we waited for the race to start. Here is Jan and Davey IPhoning.
We named our team after a saying our dear mother used to always say to us. Pog Mahone, It means kiss my arse. Hard to believe that sweet little woman would use such language with her little angels.
We managed to make it the entire way with Jan and Maggi running half of the distance. They fed us hot dogs at the end making it all worth while. It was definitely something different to do while visiting the Tri Cities.