This weekend I spent most of my time looking and chasing after two little girls and a labrador puppy. My friend Angelita needed someone to watch "her" dog while she was out of town for the weekend. I agreed to watch little Jack for her. He is very darling but full of mischief.
Torrin loves popsicles.
Jordan is quite stylish in her bellbottom jeans and fringy top.
Here the girls are gobbling down their pizza so they can get outside to ride on the bikes I bought them to ride when they are at my house. Yes, Torrin is in her Supergirl costume.
This is Supergirl on her bike. We are leaving the training wheels on until she is used to the bigger bike size.
Jordan getting ready to race off down the road.
Here is Jack.
Jack agreed to help me get the garden ready for the seeds I bought.
Jack was a good digger.
The girls wanted to help with the garden too. Supergirl was really getting into it.
Here are Emma and Sadie modeling in front of the freshly planted garden. I am trying seeds this year instead of starts. We will see how successful I am. I only put carrots, cucumbers, and spinach in this box. I bought three kinds of pumpkins to plant somewhere with more room. I also need to put the zucchini in a roomier spot.
Jack wore himself out with all the digging and ankle biting. He went home this morning. It is very calm here now.