Sunday, December 14, 2008

Joan's Birthday Weekend

I had a great birthday weekend! It started Saturday with Kimberly and I helping the girls build gingerbread houses. And then we made sugar cookies.

Jordan was up before light so she could make a snowman.

Jayson took the girls for a ride behind the four-wheeler.

Brody was running circles around the four-wheeler.

Crystal and Jayson gave me a chocolate fountain! YUM!

Jacob liked the blue berries the best.
It was a great weekend until Kimberly got stuck down the road because it was so icy. After lots of scary moments Kevin and Mike (Kim's dad) decided to leave her car there until tomorrow. I LOVE MY 4 WHEEL DRIVE LEXUS!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jacob's First Birthday

Jacob's first birthday party.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

The girls some how talked me into a real tree this year instead of my usual fake tree.

Torrin loves to rearrange the little village.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa List

Jordan is sooo excited about Santa Claus coming. She wrote him her first letter. She put it in an envelope, addressed it to the North Pole and put a stamp on it. Kim and Jordan mailed it on the way to the bus.

Jordan is very shy around the Santas at the stores but Torrin is not. Torrin is more than happy to sit on their laps and tell them that she wants "everything" for Christmas. Torrin was yelling and waving at Santa in the store the other day. She ran over and jumped in his lap. Jordan hid behind me.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving morning started with a visit to see Crystal and give her a potato ricer. Jake woke up to see what all the excitement was about.
Saturday I invited family and friends over. Jake was the center of attraction with his endless curiosity. He loves to push and pull things around the house.
Jayson found that he could make a smoke stack from the blazing hot taquitos. If you look close you can see the smoke coming out.

Kimberly brought wings that were so hot they burned the skin off the roof of my mouth.
It was hard to get a picture of Jordan and Torrin sitting still so all I got was the back of Tory's head.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Member of the Malone Residence

This week Jack Jack, Jordan's cat came to live with us. Jack is a very cool kitty. She is not bothered by Sadie or Emma or even Indy. Indy gave her a welcome "Hisss" but has been tolerating her presence. She spends most of her time in Kimberly's closet, safely out of reach from Sadie.

My First Post

Jordan Kaya Best gets the honor of being the first item in my blog. She just learned to ride her bike without training wheels! She spends every minute of daylight outside riding. Torrin joined Jordan outside for a drive in Jordan's old jeep. Because of my total lack of experience with blogging I don't know how Torrin's picture got above Jordan's. I am going to launch this first attempt and see what happens.